Muskego Water Bug NFL Raffle
2018-2019 Season

Weekly Winners get $50
*Highest total point value combining your two teams scores for the week
Grand Prize $500
*Lowest total point value combining both teams scores every week of the season
Week 1 - Ticket #182 Jodi Leahy with 96 points
Week 2 - Ticket #36 Olivia Krumrai with 76 points
Week 3 - Ticket #291 Rick Nelson with 80 points
Week 4 - Ticket #435 Bev Beucher with 90 points
Week 5 - Ticket #355 Matt Anderson with 84 points
Week 6 - Ticket #235 Matt Anderson with 85 points
Week 7 - Ticket #427 Mary Krivitz with 90 points
Week 8 - Ticket #60 Nancy Doolittle with 84 points
Week 9 - Ticket #180 Heidi McGraw with 87 points
Week 10 - Ticket #195 Matt Anderson with 103 points
Week 11 - Ticket #433 Mike Krivitz with 105 points
Week 12 - Ticket #292 Rick Nelson with 80 points
Week 13 - Ticket #373 Matt Anderson with 83 points
Week 14 - Ticket #389 Matt Anderson with 74 points
Week 15 - Ticket #408 Matt Anderson with 81 points
Week 16 - Ticket #409 Jenny Lennertz with 82 points
Week 17 - Ticket #94 Terry Roslawski with 90 points
Grand Prize $500 Winner - Ticket #16 Perry and Dar Baumann with 555 points